BetterSpore - mod Readme========================Version: 1.5.1Lead Author: Ball LightningWebsite: -spore/Release Date: 22/03/2009Compatibility: Spore on: PC and Mac, and downloaded from Steam, for patch 1.03Language: English onlyRequires: Spore 1.03This mod requires 16MB of free hard drive space========================Index:1. Installation2. What packages/files should i use?3. Features4. Known issues5. Force Save6. Changelog7. Credits8. Contact info================================================1. Installation Instructions================================================Installing Mods for XP and Vista:Installing current generation Spore mods is simple enough, simply copy the .package (eg improvedinterstellerdrive.package) file intoSpore's Data directory. The data directory is typically located in:*C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Spore/Data.For example the file pathway for the installed package would be:*C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Spore/Data/improvedinterstellerdrive.packageInstalling Spore Mods for Mac:The location to place the package files is as follows - based on a default install of Spore:*/Applications/SPORE/ is an application package, so you'll need to control/right click on it and select "Show Package Contents" from the contextual pop-up menu, which will then open a window where you will then see the "Contents" folder, so navigate the rest of the path mentioned above.Installing Spore Mods for XP/Vista with a Steam download:The location to place the package files for spore if you downloaded it through steam is as follows - based on a default install of Spore:C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\spore\Data================================================2. What packages/files should i use?================================================BetterSpore is divided into 3 main categories, each with a separate package. There are also other packages for you to choose from. You get to choose what you want in your game. You can use any of these packages with each other, they are all compatible. * BetterSpore Gameplay - This contains all the gameplay changes, there are no new weapons or parts.- BetterSpore Gameplay NoCreature - This removes all gameplay changes to the creature stage.- BetterSpore Gameplay NoTribal - This removes all gameplay changes to the tribal stage.- BetterSpore Gameplay NoCreatureAndTribal - This removes all gameplay changes to the creature and tribal stage.* BetterSpore Parts - This contains all the new parts, it also contains some small changes to the editor.A tutorial on how to use ForceSave is in part 5 of this readme.* BetterSpore Tools - This contains all the new tools and changes to the old tools.* BetterSpore In-game guide - Install this mod to get the in game guide for all the info on tools/parts/gameplay changes. Installation of this package is highly recommended.* BetterSpore Graphics - This contains the new GUI (Graphics User Interface). This package has no gameplay changesAnd just changes the graphics of Spore. Installation of this package is highly recommended.There will also be some optional mods which you can use with the ones above.* BetterSpore Intro Movie - This will disable the intro movie.* BetterSpore Improved Complexity (2,5,10 or 100 - Use one) - This will increase the complexity in the editors by however much your package is. Use only one of these.================================================3. Features================================================----------BetterSpore Gameplay Package----------Creature Stage:- Longer Creature Stage, requires more DNA for each brain level.- No more annoying sea monster- Have up to 4 epics in each game. They are in packs of 2.- Epic creatures health is now 350.- Epics do 50% less damage.- All nest creatures now have a base amount of hitpoints 25....alpha's are 32...babies are 15.- The amount of all creatures per nest has been increased to 4.- There are many more roaming creatures then before.- The amount of creatures needed to get the hunt bonus has been increased to 5 and the bonus is 50 DNA points.- The amount of creatures needed to get the social/ally bonus has been increased to 4 and the bonus is 50 DNA points.- Rogues now travel in packs of 4...they even have babies!- You now must kill 4 rogues of the same type to get a 400 point DNA bonus.- All rogue creatures now have a base amount of hitpoints 125 and babies are 62.- Includes Ahvena's Fireball Spit mod. Tribal Stage:- Increases health points for the tribal hut.- Starting food is set to 30 instead of 15.- You can now have more tribal members.Civilization Stage:- Slightly more money from spice mines.- 20 new Civilization Names- Increased the vehicle cap to 60.- Tribes are now closer to cities.- Tribes give you more money once you destroy it.- Building's health has been increased slightly.- All vehicles now cost slightly more.Space Stage:- It now takes longer to get the high end badges (Eco Hero badge is now easier to get).- Base of 8 spice stored per colony.- Reduce the amount spice is worth on hard difficulty.- Tools cost more on hard and less on easy difficulty.- Money dropped from ships is worth more.- Enemy ships now have more health.- Ally ships now have more health.- Cost more to repair and recharge.- Your home world produces more spice.- Costs more to buy up solar systems.- Now have up to 8 trade routes.- Have up to 8 planets in a solar system.- More chance of a barren planet then T1-3 compared to the original game.- Abduct from higher up, so you don't have to keep going lower.- More buildings and Turrets on T1 and T2 planets.- Turrets are better defenders.- Less attacks, less disasters.- Now up to 3 artefacts per planet.- Now as you gain badges you get more cargo storage slots.- Grox Reachable mod is now included in this mod.----------BetterSpore Tools Package----------Changes to old tools (Space Stage):- Interstellar Drives have been increased slightly.- All the items which you place (eg colonies, spice storage, uber turret etc) now do not need to be bought multiply times, but instead cost sporebucks everytime you use it.- A collection of rare items have had there prices increase by over 500%.New Tools:- Ultra Cargo Hold - Upgrade to - Ultra Energy Storage- Ultra Health Upgrade- Ultra Laser- Ultra Proton Missile- Ultra Bomb- Ultra Pulse- Interstellar Drive 6- Wand of Life- Nuclear Death Cloud- Xionic Singularity Missiles- Uber Missiles- Mega Dud- Plasma Inferno Missiles- Mega Death Bomb- Black Cloud- SSD Flak Cannon- SkyWriter- Epic Warz- Nuclear Chaingun- Orbs of Doom- Ecodisaster- Xionic Apocalypse Device- SSD Flak Cannon----------BetterSpore Parts Package----------- Make creature parts larger or smaller than ever before.- Creature Editor includes a new tab, called BetterSpore, which contains all the hidden grox and cell parts.- The parts we made ourselves are not included in this version as they did not live up to our expectations.. yet. 36 Cell parts:- 4 new Omnivorous mouths- 4 new Herbivorous mouths- 4 new carnivore mouths- 4 new flippers- 4 new tails- 4 new jets- 4 new eyes- 4 new Poison shooters- 4 new electric shockers- 4 new spikes10 new grox parts-----------Bugs with the parts package- Each tab in the creature editor will have 2 pages for the first page. An example would be the BetterSpore tab which contains 2 pages of the community made parts, and 1 page of the cell parts and 1 page of the grox parts.- Some parts do not save, to fix this look in the readme on how to use forcesave.- Parts in the Creature2Cell editor may have higher than usual prices, it is advised to start in Cell stage with BetterSpore.- It may not be possible to find all the parts in the creature stage, please tell us which parts you can find by Email, please send it to [email protected]=======================================4. Known issues=======================================- Creatures will not be featured on with the parts package installed, also if you use any of the new parts, your creature will not upload to the sporepedia.- If your computer has low hardware, you may encounter crashing in the tribal stage.=======================================5. Force Save=======================================- The Force Save application is found in the force save folder. - While running spore, load up Spore Editor. - When in the creature editor, make sure you have a completed creature, then go to the "options" tab in Spore Editor and make sure that "Force Save" (Option 3) is on. MAKE SURE YOUR CREATURE IS NAMED.- You should now be able to save your creature.Note: If it still doesn't work, try un-applying the hack (by using the "unhack" button), and then making sure the "Force Save" option is on, then try again.Thanks to RamonNZ for the SporeEditor program which is used. For me info go here: ,207.0.html====================6. Changelog====================BetterSpore v1.5.1Gameplay Package- Changed into 4 sections- BetterSpore Gameplay - This contains all the gameplay changes, there are no new weapons or parts.- BetterSpore Gameplay NoCreature - This removes all gameplay changes to the creature stage.- BetterSpore Gameplay NoTribal - This removes all gameplay changes to the tribal stage.- BetterSpore Gameplay NoCreatureAndTribal - This removes all gameplay changes to the creature and tribal stage.Changes to the gameplay package:- Nest creatures base hitpoints is now set to 25, 32 for alphas and 15 for babies- 5 creatures per nest- 5 needed for hunt bonus- 4 needed for socalize bonus- Rogues base hitpoints is now set to 125 and 62 for babies- 4 creatures per pack- 4 needed for hunt- 3 needed for socialize- 2 epics per pack, which allows for a total of 4 epicsChanges to the tools package:- Fixed EPICWARZ bug, you should now be able to buy it normallyChanges to the parts package:- Now when playing Cell2Creature, all parts cost 25 DNA points, and you have 180 to spend.- Fixed a few issues with parts in the Creature Editor- Changed a few balance issues with what parts give youChanges to Other packages:- Fixed main screen bug for Graphics package- Updated Guide package====================7. Credits====================- Ball Lightning (Head of the BetterSpore team)- god (Programmer)- rotto (Programmer)- Ahvena (Balancer/Fireball Spit mod creator)- Nineballfool (Creature Stage/Programmer)- Odistant (Civilization stage)- Virakotxa (Head of Modelling)- Mettra (Part programmer/Part creator)- SunGodRa (3D Modelar)- xero262 (Head of Tools)- logarithm256 (Tools)- DarkDragon (Head of Editors)- BoyMac (Official Alpha Tester)- And all the other people out there who have come up with ideas, have helped with testing or whatever, thanks very much.====================8. Contact info====================If you want to contact me, send Private Message (PM) to "Ball Lightning" at the sporemod forums ( or send me and e-mail at [email protected] (Official website) ,25.0.html (Official Forum)
force save mod spore
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